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Blur effects - DOF
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September 2, 2014
4:30 am
Forum Posts: 12
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August 20, 2014
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I believe that I have understood the basics of using DOF. I really liked Okasana’s demo using pictures of tape measure.
I tried to achieve the same. My pictures don’t show DOF blur effects like hers. Can someone one guide me here, please.

I didn’t use a tripod. Used aperture priority mode. Set the iso at 400. Let camera decide the shutter speed. 1 click with lowest F# and 2 click at highest F#. I did this by using 0 zoom for 1 pic and Max zoom for 2nd.

Also you will see that I have kept the contents of the frame same. To do this my camera distance from the object was different for 1 & 2. If I kept same distance the contents would differ.

I focused manually with single point at the middle number in both pictures.

Why didn’t I achieve the blur effect?

Picture 1:

Picture 2 :

I hope these links work. 



September 2, 2014
6:27 am
Forum Posts: 12
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August 20, 2014
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Sorry – I wasn’t able to attach images into the message thats why i had to link outside.

September 2, 2014
10:46 am
Forum Posts: 2164
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First of all, It seems to me like you  were shooting this from above. Am I right? In the case the whole tape in on the same plane of focus (the same distance from the camera). Try to shoot it more from the side

September 2, 2014
11:03 am
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Thanks Oksana. You are correct. I understood my mistake. 

Now, I feel like laughing at myself. Will retake this evening after work. 

September 2, 2014
11:07 am
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It is ok cadone. We all learn from mistakes. 

September 2, 2014
12:55 pm
Long Island, New York

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One other thing…..  The zoom ring does not change the aperture setting.  To do this put the camera in aperture priority mode and move the dial on the back of the camera.  Do not change the zoom between shots.  Take one shot at the highest aperture setting and the second shot at the lowest setting.

-- Mandrake --

September 2, 2014
3:27 pm
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August 20, 2014
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Hey Guys,
Thanks for your advice. Here are the revised pictures

F3.5 Picture
F16 Picture

I think these pictures are better than previous ones. I can see little blur effect. I could not decide where to focus.
I was expecting to blur equally on either sides of the point of focus, but it was blurring on onside only. I need to play with this a lot I guess.

Also I was scared with the F16, because the camera automatically made it slower shutter speed. From my learning from the lessons, I should have increased the ISO to make a faster shutter speed, but then for this blur comparison I wanted to stay consistent on iso.

guys please criticize.


September 2, 2014
6:20 pm
Long Island, New York

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Focus on the number 15 in both shots.
Do not change anything except the aperture setting.
Keep the camera as steady as possible to avoid camera shake.
Use a tripod if you have one or maybe lean the camera against something.

At f/3.5 the number 15 should be sharp and then more blurring as the numbers get higher.
At f/16 much more should be sharp.

-- Mandrake --

September 3, 2014
3:52 pm
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Revised pictures.

Link (I dont know why i cant attach pictures directly here; some thing must be wrong)
This time I used a tripod (1st time ever :) ). The only difference between the 2 pictures is the aperture.
I swear did focus on #15, but only the pic@f3.5 shows #15 in focus. Where as the pic@f16 shows #18 in focus.
Though I am happy that i could achieve the blur effect, is there some thing anyone feels should be improved.

From this exercise I can understand what i learnt from the lessons:

small f #—–f3.5—–Large aperture——small dof——–“shows only #15 in focus—-blurs out top & bottom

larger f #—–f16—–small aperture——large dof——–“shows more in focus—-blurs only top

September 5, 2014
5:00 pm
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 pic@f16 #15 is in focus. Just focus in general is a bit softer. It happens when you go to a smaller apertures. Focus in general gets softer. Each lens has a sweet spot – the aperture,which gives you the sharpest image. Usually it is 2 stops closed down from the biggest aperture. So each lens might be a bit different. 

Did you watched the video on how to upload files? Did you click on “Start Upload” button? 

September 7, 2014
7:30 am
Long Island, New York

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cadone… In case you’re having trouble finding the video on how to upload photos, HERE is the link.
Of course, you must first download the image from your camera to your computer.
Also… Files must first be resized to no more than 1MB.  HERE is the link on resizing.

-- Mandrake --

September 15, 2014
3:02 am
Forum Posts: 12
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Thanks Mandrake and Oksana. I shouldn’t have problem upload one from now on. I will try. 

I will try taking pictures as suggested. Most of the days this week was cloudy not good for pictures. 

I had 2 questions though.

The biggest aperture I have is 3.6 and it’s not in the list of full stops you showed in your lesson. I will try 4.0 that’s the lowest number I have that’s in the full stop list. 

When I took pictures of the measuring tape, my camera was really very close ( about 2 inches) to the subject.  I know I am jumping guns here,

I wanted to try taking pictures of person with similar blurr effect obviously I can’t be so close. I stood about 1.5 ft away from the person. I could not get the blurr effect with largest aperture. Does it mean I have to buy new lens with larger aperture ?

I am trying to use different focus methods. When I half click the focus rectangle turns green. I guess this is the indication that the point is in focus. But then why doesn’t it stay green. It becomes white. How to lock it in focus ( green)

September 20, 2014
1:38 pm
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Cloudy is actually great for pictures, especially for portraits, since light is so ever and there is not harsh shadows. The only problem is that the sky might not be blue, but it also depends, if it is complete overcast and just some clouds. 

It is ok that f3.6 is not a full stop. You can still use it. 

To be honest I am not very familiar with lenses for Nikon 1 j4. What focal length do you already have? The longer the lens is the more blur you get. So if you are using a zoom lens, set it on the longest focal length. Get as close to the subject as possible without sacrificing composition and set you aperture to the wides (ever if it is not a full stop aperture). If you didn’t get the blur you want, you might need a different lens – longer or with wider aperture (or both). All lenses are not make even in terms of DoF. 

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