Lesson 16 – How to Photograph the Moon

Video 1: In this photography lesson you will learn how to take pictures of the Moon, what will you need for it and how to set your camera.

Video 2: This is quick Photoshop tutorial on how to add the Moon to your picture. Great for beginner to learn the basics of Photoshop.




1. Good timing
2. Use a tripod
3. Cable release is a good idea
4. Use telephoto lens (200mm or longer)
5. Use Sunny 16 Rule
– start: ISO 100 F16 1/125 sec
– if too dark try f11 of f8 (Some people call it Loony 11 or Loony 8 Rule)
6. Use manual focus (try to focus in live view)
7. Experiment with white balance

6 thoughts on “Lesson 16 – How to Photograph the Moon”

  1. thanks for taking the time effort and the expense of doing all this for us all. Your the very best teacher i have every learned from and you make it so easy to understand thank you very much Oskana xx

  2. She most certainly is, alot of things I attempted to learn from technical instructors was boring, and hard. She keeps it simple, very easy to understand. Thank you Oksana!

  3. thank you for your dedication, effort, time, and investment for doing all these lessons for your readers and followers.

    Suggestion: detailed “How-to” on the Camera itself
    How to adjust all these settings altogether (setting ISO 100, and setting F16 and setting the Shutter speed 1/125)

    Your previous lessons explains how to set each parameter by its own. But the Question is How to combine all of these parameters altogether in one shot

    Thanks in Advance

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