Weekly Edit 46 - Pirate Tower | Weekly Edit (Raw Files) | Photo Forum

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Weekly Edit 46 - Pirate Tower
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October 9, 2017
4:00 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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Weekly Edit 46.  You can download dng image here:


It also would be great if you post what software you used to edit the image and maybe even some info on how you edited it if you like. It can even be a screenshot of your adjustment. 

Have fun! 

Please post your edited Jpegs in comments below. Don’t create a separate post. 


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October 19, 2017
2:06 pm
Spartanburg, SC

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March 23, 2013
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First try 🙂Weekly_Edit_Photo_46a.jpg

sp_PlupAttachments Attachments
October 19, 2017
3:29 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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I like the crop, but I think you might slightly oversharpened it. It does start to look like a grafic, but it is all the metter of taste. 

October 20, 2017
4:58 am
Long Island, New York

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Is the cliff holding up the tower or is the tower holding up the cliff?

Why put the tower here, anyway?
Just put the very top part of the tower on top of the cliff.
Waste of time and money, I say.

btw… Nice job, Michael.

-- Mandrake --

October 20, 2017
12:32 pm
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You can read all about this tower here, Mandrake:


October 21, 2017
5:09 am
Long Island, New York

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easyexposure said
You can read all about this tower here, Mandrake:


“It was built at the same time as the house at the top of the bluff, in 1926, and was used as a way to get from the house down to the beach below, which is a beautiful stretch of sand called Victoria Beach.”

Thank you so much for the Information, Oksana.  

-- Mandrake --

October 23, 2017
2:57 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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You are welcome, Ron. It is very nice beach not a lot of people know about yet. Usually very quiet. 

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