In this photography lesson we will be talking about camera flash / speed light. We will discuss flash modes (Manual, Auto, TTL and RPT mode), flash exposure and factors which influence it. You will also learn about sync speed and high speed sync.
7 thoughts on “Lesson 26 – Using Flash: Exposure and Flash Modes”
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thank for yours classes, iIt’s a little difficult understand that you say because i speak spanish, but it’s really good for my knowledge, please a need to know, how i can take a photo in backlighting? for example in the beach, thank for you help
i have been watching and understanding the basics of my skills in photography for quite sometime from your posts from lesson 1.
i could not wait to write to you and join your forum after watching your lesson 26.
its brilliant. I use D90 with SB 910.your lesson inspired me to try your ideas
i will soon post some images.
relationship between the zoom mode and flash compensation of flash and camera confuses me a lot. Can you please help me understand the difference.
keep up your excellent work
First and for most I would like to thank you for your Videos they are really inspiring. I cant wait for you to do a video on off camera light metering. Using a light meter like a seconic to get the exposure correct. Thank you so much.
Once again Keep up the excellent tutorials
Mitch / Dubai /UAE.
Thanks that has explained a lot and has cleared up were I have been going wrong
Thank you for the wonderful lessons.
Thank you for your excellent explanation!!! I’m looking forward to trying it all out. : D
Also, I’m really looking forward to more videos on flash photography!!
Thank you for being such a great source of information!