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April 8, 2014
3:16 pm
Long Island, New York

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mscharff said
Dale,  Hope you get some pictures of the lunar eclipse coming up next week.

Getting blood from a stone on tax day.  Kind of says it all.

-- Mandrake --

April 9, 2014
8:14 am
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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I have suspected for some time that Mandrake is following me.  I often see people walking behind me pretending I don’t exist…I suspect Mandrake is hiding amongst them so I don’t notice. 

Oksana…I haven’t started week 4 yet (yeah I have been lazy haha), but will get out there soon.  The nice weather FINALLY arrived, and the snow is melted.  A few neat ideas are rolling around in my mind of what to take pictures of…although Mandrake will very easily track me down haha.

April 10, 2014
10:32 am
Long Island, New York

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Mandrake said
Getting blood from a stone on tax day.  Kind of says it all.

That may have been a bit esoteric.  
The total eclipse is scheduled for April, 15th, the day when income taxes are due in the good ole US of A.
The moon is basically a very large stone and, while under eclipse, it is known as a “blood moon” due to it’s red appearance.

-- Mandrake --

April 12, 2014
7:28 pm

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Thanks for the info on the eclipse! Will see what I can do to try and get a shot or two.
Still getting a lot of clouds around here in the evenings so will have to see what the weather
is going to be like for the next few days.

April 20, 2014
8:57 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Finally got around to developing some rolls.  Almost caught up…depending on your definition of almost.

So here is week 4.  My new car and Julianna wanting to go for tea.


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April 20, 2014
9:25 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Week 5

First is part of the torma offerings for Buddha Vajrasattva, second is a picture of Julianna and my two nieces, Mya and Daniela.scan_roll080_009-1.jpgscan_roll080_004.jpg


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April 22, 2014
7:48 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Finally caught up.  Here is week 6

First is my friend Anne looking yonder.  Both of us are enjoying the view.

The second shot has an interesting story.  Because of my very bad experience trying street photography I have become extremely nervous about taking pictures of people that aren’t Julianna or my cats.  So anyway, I saw this very dapper gentleman in a local coffee shop.  He had a really nice suit and a lovely purple satin fedora.  His kerchief matched the hat.  I got up the courage, and said I love his hat and suit, and asked if I could take his picture for a photography project.  He smiled and said ‘obviously, I am very photogenic’.  So as I am focusing, he said ‘a young fella like you should be shooting digital’.  I laughed and said I mostly shoot black and white film on this old camera.  He got very excited at that and asked for a copy of the picture when I had it developed.  So I gained some confidence after that and asked some others after for their picture and got them all. 


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April 23, 2014
4:33 am
Long Island, New York

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Brian Copeland said
Because of my very bad experience trying street photography I have become extremely nervous about taking pictures of people that aren’t Julianna or my cats.


Hello Brian… I don’t recall that you’ve told us about this experience… I, for one, would be interested.
It’s fun that you consider your cats people.  Many people do.  (Well, their cats, not your cats.  You know what I mean.)

I doubt very much that I’d be able to pinpoint the location of these photos, so it’s better that I not try.
Glad that you’re back on schedule.  Love the guy in the suit.  Anne catches the eye as well.

-- Mandrake --

April 23, 2014
6:14 am
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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The bad experience…well I was taking my digital camera and my pentax spotmatic to Gore Park in downtown Hamilton to take pictures of the Queen Victoria statue and the fountain.  There was also a small crowd gathered to watch two men play chess, but the pieces were three feet tall.  It was quite the sight.

Anyway so I am walking around taking pictures of the fountain, and the chess players, some of the buildings on King Street etc.  Then I see by the Queen Victoria statue the coolest of transecting lines.  Between the mirrors of the one building, to the flowerbeds, and the stripes on the bus.  Just made for a cool things for your eyes to follow.  So I snapped a picture.

All of a sudden a guy is in my face asking me what I am doing.  I said taking pictures around the park.  He asked who do I work for.  I said no one, I was just taking pictures for fun.  He demanded to know who I work for again.  I said no one.  He asked if I took his picture.  I said not intentionally as I wasn’t paying attention to him, but it is entirely possible he was in the shot.  But I explained to him the neat line pattern and said that was my subject.

He asked (angrily – he was very angry at this point) what I was going to do with the pictures.  I said nothing, I was just taking pictures for fun.

He then said I was a pervert and he was calling the police.  I said I am doing nothing illegal.  This is a public park, but if he wanted to call the police, please do.

At this point I walked away towards the fountain.  I saw a neat rainbow effect in the water, and I wanted to capture that.  So I started shooting the fountain.

He yells out ‘you can’t take pictures here pervert’.  I said once again that this was a public park.  He said (again) he was going to call the police.  I said please do.  No laws are being broken.

Then he did the thing that can destroy mens lives…he accused me of being a pedophile.  He was yelling it out.   I told him to fuck off and was getting quite stern in my voice (I don’t yell or get angry usually, I kept control).  He approached about 10 people in the park telling them that I was secretly taking their pictures and I was a pedophile.  Not that it matters, but there were no children in the park.  He walks right up to me and said he was calling the police again.

Now he was harassing me big time, and made a very bad accusation.  I was worried.  So many mens lives are destroyed because of crap like that.  So I decided it was time to leave.  I wanted to call the police myself, but I was worried if I took my eyes off of him, he would attack.  Also was worried that if I did call the police they would take his side, and my life would be ruined.

So I left the park.  And stopped taking pictures that had people in it, unless they were my friends, or family.

I was very shaken up by that.  Really hit me hard.

So yeah there you have it.

And yes I consider all animals to be people.  Buddhist thing Smile

April 23, 2014
11:00 am
Long Island, New York

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Goodness! How very unpleasant for you.  And yes… You are right.  
It is so very true that such totally unfounded accusations can ruin a man’s life.  
I think you did the right thing to leave and not let the situation get even more out of hand.
Thanks for sharing the experience.  I’m sorry if it brought back bad memories for you.


-- Mandrake --

April 23, 2014
1:22 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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It’s ok.  I understand he is mentally ill and probably a victim of something from when he was younger and just lashing out, or simply paranoid.  He couldn’t help himself.  I did the best thing, by not retaliating and eventually just leaving.

So anyway, I am careful now.

April 23, 2014
1:31 pm
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I am so sorry to hear that, Brian. Unfortunately there are a lot of crazy people out there and most of the time it is better to just walk away as quickly as possible. Some people also can get very offensive when you take they photo, so be careful. Sometimes it is better to ask (as you did in the case of the men). The worst case scenario, you just get an answer: “No”. Also people love compliments. If you compliment them before asking, you are most likely get an answer “Yes”. Just be careful with women and how you compliment them. Some might think that you just trying to hit on them. 

By the way, that photo of the men come out great! Love the lightening and also all the different patterns through the photo – the brick, suit, shirt and tie. I am sure he will love it, if you sent it to him. 


April 27, 2014
6:10 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Here is week 7.  These are of my friend Cassandra.  We went to Waterford Conservation Area in Waterford, Ontario.


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April 28, 2014
11:55 am
Long Island, New York

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Hmmmmm….. Had better keep an eye on your backgrounds.
In the first shot you have a pole coming out of Cassandra’s head.
In the second there is a young lady coming out of the dog’s head.
If I had to chose, I would have to pick the second.  
Young ladies over poles every time.

-- Mandrake --

April 28, 2014
1:29 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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I didn’t even realize there was a subtle ‘things coming out of heads’ theme going on.  Not sure what to make of it Surprised

April 29, 2014
5:06 pm
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This is common mistake people make. They focus so hard on the subject that forget about background. It is always a good idea to watch for things, which might look like they are growing from somebodies head. 

May 5, 2014
4:02 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Here is week 7.  I am not happy with it and have had a strange set of set-backs for developing.

First was I took a roll (the original Week 7) and I was having a VERY hard time winding the film onto the spindle.  Took me about an hour.  So of course the film was badly scratched.  And of course I lost my temper, pulled my hands out and cause a light leak.  So most of the pictures aren’t usable.  So I did another roll, and the images all look so flat, even after playing with them in LR.

Anyway, here is the best picture from the roll.  It is of a train.  Please tell me how I can improve it.  I have already put it through LR to bring as much to it as i could, but there is no pop.  It is so bland and flat.  No idea what I did wrong in taking it and no idea how to fix it.

So any and all advice is welcome.  That being said, here is my sad week 7


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May 10, 2014
9:23 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Here is week 9.  I went for a nice walk down a trail I didn’t even know existed, along the mountain-brow over highway 403.  It is a great trail, good for everyone.  And of course, a toilet

Ilford Delta Pro 100 film for those interested.


May 11, 2014
6:15 am
Long Island, New York

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1.  What happened to week #8? Last week was a #7 do-over.  No?
2.  Can’t read the sign in #2.
3.  Parking for 1 hour on subject of #3 could well result in a number of hemorrhoids.
4.  Only 43 weeks to go, assuming this is #9 and not #8.

-- Mandrake --

May 11, 2014
6:22 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Mandrake said
1.  What happened to week #8? Last week was a #7 do-over.  No?
2.  Can’t read the sign in #2.
3.  Parking for 1 hour on subject of #3 could well result in a number of hemorrhoids.
4.  Only 43 weeks to go, assuming this is #9 and not #8.

1.  Week 8 I had a light leak when spooling the film to develop.  Messed it up.

2.  I can’t read the sign either. 

3.  I am not sitting on that thing…nope never.

4.  Please see number 1.  Week 10 will be shortly, as I went for a walk around downtown Hamilton with a co-worker and his Hassleblad


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