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Waterfront After Dark
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June 25, 2014
7:27 pm

VIP Student
Forum Posts: 1594
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December 2, 2012
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I found that a good way to change the look of a shot is to use Photoshop and go into
filters>spherize>vertical. You can enlarge the main subject without too much distortion
affecting the image. See pics #4 (before Ps) and #5 following adjustments.DSC_6562-1.jpgDSC_5564-1.jpgDSC_6568-1.jpgDSC_6437-copy-3-copy-2-1.jpgDSC_6437-copy-4-copy-2-1.jpg

June 26, 2014
3:42 am
Long Island, New York

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September 15, 2012
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Interesting.  And here is what happens when you spherize Vertically and then again Horizontally.
Nothing is eliminated and the boat and building in the center are much bigger and less distorted.
Stuff on the sides are obviously squished together.
I would suspect that the top and bottom are also squished, but it’s not as noticeable as it’s sky and water.

(Squish – to press (something) into a flatter shape. : to move into a space that is tight or crowded.
In case you didn’t think it was a word.  lol)


-- Mandrake --

June 26, 2014
6:54 am

VIP Student
Forum Posts: 1594
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December 2, 2012
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Thanks for the input. I’m spending quite a bit of time using Photoshop – although
I would be lost without Lightroom! As I figure things out I’ll try and post images
of changes I manage to make in case anyone is interested. I’m working on a few
different effects with not a lot of success yet but it will come together (eventually lol).
Looking forward to seeing some shots from you with the grandkids and sports theme.
You’re last shots of your granddaughter were damned good and nice and clear.
Keep shooting!!!

June 26, 2014
7:15 am
Forum Posts: 307
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August 3, 2012
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wow, nice set of pictures Dale. I love the color of the sky and the stillness of the water, everything is just perfect. thumbs up Dale.

June 27, 2014
1:01 am
Forum Posts: 89
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November 21, 2012
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Very nice I love the reflections, the water is so still you must have had perfect conditions.

July 9, 2014
10:30 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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Wow! Looks like a nice place for night photography. Love the color combination of golden yellow/orange and blue. I will assume you kicked that saturation up in post a bit ;)

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