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Real Estate
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March 25, 2017
7:42 pm
Forum Posts: 6
Member Since:
March 9, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


New to the forum. I sell/lease commercial real estate for a living and I also have been trying to learn photography. As a result, I have began shooting my own listings for practice. I would like some constructive criticism on this shot. I am posting an “out of camera” image on the left and my edited version on the right. My biggest fear is over editing an image to where it looks fake, HUGE pet peeve of mine when looking at other real estate shots. This was all done in Lightroom. Camera is a Canon T5i with a Tokina 11-20 Pro DX II lense.  


Thanks in advance. before-after.JPG

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March 27, 2017
10:05 am
Spartanburg, SC

VIP Student
Forum Posts: 1054
Member Since:
March 23, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Welcome to the forum.  I for one don’t think it looks fake…

March 29, 2017
10:12 am
Forum Posts: 2164
Member Since:
August 11, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Welcome to the forum! We are happy to have you here! I think it looks great. Not fake at all. It is amazing what you can do it postproduction this day and how much details you can bring back. Good job! 

Maybe next time you can post you images a bit bigger, so we can see them better. 

Looking forward to more of your posts! 

May 19, 2020
12:20 am

Nice real estate photos!  A big part of advertising a home is taking pictures. My realtor hired a professional photographer when I sold my old house 1 ear ago. But in the end, I sold it after one of my neighbors saw a yard sign in front of my house. so always remember about this advertising tool. 

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