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Hey Everyone
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January 29, 2013
10:10 pm
Forum Posts: 65
Member Since:
January 28, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

So as I’m sure you’ve guessed I’m Mike.

1998 I started learning Photoshop in college, picked up my first ever camera in 2003 (Canon S1IS) I literally shot it to death. I replaced it with a Rebel XT 3 years later. Last year I started shooting “professionally” weddings are where I hope to do most of my work but I’ve been doing some portraits, weddings, events, promotional shoots and work for Google on their maps program as a contractor. Right now I shoot with a 20d and my 350d as a backup, the Canon 6d is on the way.

I have a beautiful little girl (turns 2 in March) and have a day job in an accounting department. Right now my life is fairly boring, between my day job, family and running a business I really have no time for anything else. I’m a huge nerd, I love Dr Who (David Tennant is the man), Battlestar Gallactica is good too.

January 30, 2013
9:31 am
Forum Posts: 2164
Member Since:
August 11, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi Mike! Welcome to our forum! We are very happy to have you here and looking forward to your photos and comments. Best wishes, Oksana

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