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Sharper photos
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Tags: unsharp
April 24, 2013
4:34 am
Alphen aan den Rijn Netherlands
Forum Posts: 22
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April 24, 2013
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I’m struggling with the sharpness of my pictures. There is a off focus blur when looking at them at 100% and im not able to figure out why. Most of the time its in studio. It dosn’t happen all the time though. Been testing the autofocus of the EOS and that seems to be fine.

I uploaded a picture to show what I’m talking about. I know its a bad picture but I selected this one as a good example.

Its a piece of a photo at 100%
Took it with a Canon EOS 5d MII and a canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM lens
Settings: F8 / 125 / iso100

Would it be better if I shoot with a higher aperture maybe? Although F/8 should be fine though.

Hope someone wil recognize this problem.


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April 24, 2013
5:33 am
Alphen aan den Rijn Netherlands
Forum Posts: 22
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April 24, 2013
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I now notice that this topic is in the wrong place of the forum… Is there a way to move it?

April 24, 2013
7:54 am
Long Island, New York

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Hello Rudi… Welcome to our group.
We look forward to seeing your postings.

I know virtually nothing about the Mark II, but did a quick google search and found this.…..ent-sharp/
It may be helpful.
Have you tried having the camera serviced?

I wouldn’t worry about where you posted this.
Oksana has a very kind heart and won’t beat you.

-- Mandrake --

April 24, 2013
8:39 am
Alphen aan den Rijn Netherlands
Forum Posts: 22
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April 24, 2013
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Mandrake, thanks for your reply and the welcome

The high resolution part from that blog is new for me. If I get that right I shouldn’t worry to much about it. But still would like to get the best out of that camera of course. And this is not the best it can do.

Pffff… I was worrying about Oksana. Glad she won’t come after me then.

April 25, 2013
6:24 pm

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Mandrake is right – Oksana only hunts people down and beats them
if they make a mistake twice. You have made one mistake so I’d be
careful from now on!!

April 26, 2013
2:30 am
Alphen aan den Rijn Netherlands
Forum Posts: 22
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April 24, 2013
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April 26, 2013
1:18 pm
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August 11, 2011
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It is all good Rudi! Don’t fear! I is fine that you posted it here.
About the focus: F8 should be ok. Did you try other lenses? Do you have this problem only with this lens?

April 29, 2013
6:40 am
Forum Posts: 104
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September 17, 2012
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Hi Rudi,

Something I learned from Oksana was adjusting the Diopter on the camera if you wear glasses or have eye problems.
If you do have eye problems this may help for sharper images in viewfinder.

Just a thought.

Welcome to the forum.

Happy Snapping Folks

May 13, 2013
10:47 am
Forum Posts: 38
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January 30, 2013
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I have experienced this as well and what I found was, I inadvertently changed the settings on my camera to be low/basic quality.  I screwed up an entire photo session with that.  I have no clue why there would be a low quality setting on a dslr!!!  That just seems ridiculous to me.  So you may want to check that.  I also agree with FAN.  I wear dual contact lenses.  The one in my left eye is for distance and the one in my right eye is for reading.  I finally figured out that I cannot look thru my camera with my left eye….duh, nothing focuses close up in my left eye :)  


Good luck in figuring it out !!

May 21, 2013
1:58 am
Alphen aan den Rijn Netherlands
Forum Posts: 22
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April 24, 2013
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First of all thanks to everybody for all the reply’s. I think I figured out what’s happening.


I think I created a habit of moving the camera after using the autofocus. So this is what i do:


1. Get my closest AF point on, for example, the eye of the subject

2. Press the release button half way to get the autofocus to work

3. I keep the button pressed half way and move the camera for a better composition

4. Finally I press the button completely to make the picture


Now I don’t think this is a uncommon right? We only have a few AF points in the camera.


But at least two things can go wrong here:


1. I press the button to early and the camera is still moving a little

2. I moved the af point too much so all of the picture is out of focus



So my followup question is, how do you guys work with the situation that no AF point is in the right place in the chosen composition?

Do you move the camera or crop the picture later?




May 21, 2013
4:45 am
Long Island, New York

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Rudi… I focus and recompose all the time and … usually use only the center focus point as it is more accurate in my camera.

It can be more of a problem if you are very close to your subject or if you are using a very wide aperture.

Yes…. If you are still moving the camera when you fully press the shutter the shot will be out of focus.

But… otherwise, I really can’t see anything that you are doing wrong.


Here is an article on the matter which may help.…..composing/



-- Mandrake --

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