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Time for football.
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August 18, 2013
6:50 pm
Forum Posts: 89
Member Since:
November 21, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Some shots from my grandson’s pre-season games.IMG_3240.jpgIMG_3262.jpgIMG_3269.jpgIMG_3277.jpgIMG_3279.jpgIMG_3329.jpgIMG_3339-2.jpgIMG_3405-2.jpgIMG_3406-2.jpgIMG_3406.jpgIMG_3419-2.jpgIMG_3420.jpgIMG_34662-2.jpgIMG_3470.jpg

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August 20, 2013
4:12 pm
Spartanburg, SC

VIP Student
Forum Posts: 1054
Member Since:
March 23, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

some very good shots… can you give us some explanation of the post processing?

August 21, 2013
9:58 pm
Forum Posts: 89
Member Since:
November 21, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The post was done in lightroom basically I just set my highlights to -100 and the shadows to +100 increased the white to about +20 then set my clarity to +100, vibrance was set between +20 to +35, added some vignetting increased or decreased the contrast as needed, that’s about it in a nutshell.


August 27, 2013
12:15 pm
Delft (Netherlands)
Forum Posts: 466
Member Since:
October 9, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Nice set of shots…

I like the last shot as there are less number of people and they are in focus..


September 9, 2013
5:52 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
Member Since:
August 11, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Cool post-processing! It looks HDRish, which often looks good on sport photos. 

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