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Skateboarders and more
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October 12, 2013
7:06 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Forum Posts: 449
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April 5, 2013
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All of these shots were done with a Pentax SP500 with Ilford HP5 film.  We have skateboarders, a dog pulling a girl on a skateboard, a kid rollerblading, a happy dog, jungle gyms and a forest grove.  Had lots of fun with these.






October 12, 2013
8:14 pm
Long Island, New York

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Forum Posts: 2719
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September 15, 2012
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A very nice set of photos, Brian.

I am particularly fond of the first.  How thoughtful of the park service
to provide a barrier to avoid what would be a nasty fall from the path.

The Pentax manual… In case you’ve misplaced yours.….._sp500.htm













-- Mandrake --

October 12, 2013
8:39 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Forum Posts: 449
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April 5, 2013
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Thanks Mandrake,


The ‘fall’ where the fence was, was hardly dangerous.  There was a tiny stream there, so at best it would mean a wet sock.


Thanks for the link for the manual, but I already have it.  I downloaded it when I inherited the camera. 

October 18, 2013
12:39 pm
Delft (Netherlands)
Forum Posts: 466
Member Since:
October 9, 2012
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First shot reminds me of the movie Evil Dead..

In the second shot , skateboard’s motion has been captured smoothly…

Good work..there.


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