Dublin Marathon Oct 2013 | Sport Photos | Photo Forum

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Dublin Marathon Oct 2013
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February 4, 2014
11:21 am
Dublin - Ireland
Forum Posts: 231
Member Since:
December 26, 2012
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Few shots from last October Marathon in DublinDubmar.jpgDubmar1.jpgDubmar2.jpgDubmar3.jpg

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February 4, 2014
12:35 pm
Long Island, New York

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Somebody tweeted “Free Guinnesses at the local pub.”

-- Mandrake --

February 4, 2014
1:38 pm
Dublin - Ireland
Forum Posts: 231
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December 26, 2012
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Mandrake said
Somebody tweeted “Free Guinnesses at the local pub.”


Not for this event… when we win ‘World cup’ either in football or rugby…. will have a free pint!!!




February 4, 2014
2:14 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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Cool images. It looks like you manages to be everywhere, even on top of something to take an image from the top. Did you participate in marathon too or just took photos? 

February 4, 2014
3:11 pm
Spartanburg, SC

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March 23, 2013
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obviously in the beginning of the race… people are still smiling… no one smiles at the 20 mile mark… :-)

February 10, 2014
12:06 pm
Dublin - Ireland
Forum Posts: 231
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December 26, 2012
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easyexposure said
Cool images. It looks like you manages to be everywhere, even on top of something to take an image from the top. Did you participate in marathon too or just took photos? 


thanks Oksana,

I did not participate this time… I was wandering there and there…..


February 10, 2014
12:09 pm
Dublin - Ireland
Forum Posts: 231
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December 26, 2012
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mscharff said
obviously in the beginning of the race… people are still smiling… no one smiles at the 20 mile mark… :-)

exactly..but I appreciate their enthusiasm on the race… 


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