action figure against monitor (newbie) | Product Photography | Photo Forum

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action figure against monitor (newbie)
August 31, 2015
1:45 pm
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I´m trying to learn a bit about professional photography, for my trip to europe in october, until then i´m trying to shoot some small trips.

I have a few action figures and I thought it would be nice to take some cool pictures of them.

I took these using the monitor as background (the forest and the energy ball), and went for a shallow depth of field to create an ilusion..

I´d would love some sugestions to use in future shots of this kind11947537_888202507894062_4068882963636258894_n.jpg11700579_875312565849723_4532683367412052276_o-1.jpg

August 31, 2015
8:12 pm
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I actually think it is an awesome idea! If you would not tell me it was a monitor I probably would not guess. I think shallow DoF works great here. The first action figure looks very realistic. One thing I would maybe do is to turn the brightness of the monitor down to make the background a bit darker. 

September 1, 2015
6:24 am
Long Island, New York

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Very cool.  I’ve used an ipad screen as a background and it has also worked well.

Welcome to the forum, lex_lima.  These are great.  Give us more.

-- Mandrake --

September 1, 2015
7:36 am
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Wow thanks! I´ll consider changing the brightness for my next photos.

It would have been a great ideia in the jungle background!

and also thanks for the warm welcome!

September 6, 2015
11:19 am
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August 11, 2011
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You should check this:…..stagram/ 

It is an instagram account everyone is talking about. I would assume a lot of those picture were possibly taking using this method. 

March 22, 2020
10:26 pm
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Excellent idea. It’s a great idea in the jungle background. Thanks.Cool

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