Umbrella Girl | Portrait Photos | Photo Forum

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Umbrella Girl
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May 24, 2015
6:42 pm
Forum Posts: 89
Member Since:
November 21, 2012
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This was shot under natural light of a young lady at a local track meet. She was walking to her event carringIMG_3534a-Edit-Edit-2-Edit.jpg


 this large umbrella. The umbrella defused and bounced the light coming from above and  behind her, the post work was done in Lightroom.

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May 27, 2015
4:30 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
Member Since:
August 11, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Very interesting image. I like the idea with umbrella and the angle. It has a bit of mystery to it. Makes you wander what she is thinking about. I am not sure what you did in post, but it looks like a bit to much sharpening to me. It also looks like you did crop the image quite a bit. Am i right? 

May 28, 2015
3:07 pm
Forum Posts: 89
Member Since:
November 21, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

easyexposure said
Very interesting image. I like the idea with umbrella and the angle. It has a bit of mystery to it. Makes you wander what she is thinking about. I am not sure what you did in post, but it looks like a bit to much sharpening to me. It also looks like you did crop the image quite a bit. Am i right? 

Your right Oksana, I was about 60 to 70 feet away and I took a full body shot of the young lady, while I was working on the image in lightroom I zoomed in for some detail work and thought it would look pretty good just the head and some umbrella. I guess I should not have used the sharpen face function in lightroom and left it a softer image,.

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