Nikkor 50mm 1.4D work on D7000? | Nikon Lenses | Photo Forum

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Nikkor 50mm 1.4D work on D7000?
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December 18, 2014
10:41 am
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
December 17, 2014
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I originally planned on buying a Nikon D90 and the 50mm 1.4D lens.  By the time I was ready to buy it, the D7000 came out.

I bought the D7000 and it came with the kit lens 18-105mm 3.5-5.6G.

I have a love/hate relationship with that lens.  I am still learning to use my D7000. It was the first Nikon camera and the first DSLR camera I have owned…well, own.

My question, Oksana, or anyone…is….will the 50mm1.4D lens work on the D7000?

I saw that your camera had that exact lens on it on the Sunny 16 video, but I could not tell which camera you were using.


If it will work, please let me know what limitations it has.  

If it does not work, then please advise.  I do not care for the photos I have seen with the 50mm1.4G.  

My daughter has the 50mm1.8G, and I am leaning towards that.


Or….would it be better to get a 35mm?  I want to be able to take photos in low light with no flash.




December 18, 2014
2:48 pm
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
December 17, 2014
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I found the answer….I dug out my book and it said all D lenses are compatible.  Not sure why some places I looked at said that it was not compatible and others said yes.  Perhaps I had a different lens by mistake.


Looking forward to finishing the videos and possible doing the classes. 


December 25, 2014
6:20 am
New Member
Forum Posts: 1
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December 25, 2014
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ALL Nikon AF lenses will autofocus on the D7x00 cameras.

The cause of the confusion is that only Nikon AF-S lenses will autofocus on the D3x00 and D5x00 cameras.

The reason is that the D7x00 cameras have a focusing motor built in to the body while the D3x00 and D5x00 cameras don’t and depend on the lens having a built in focusing motor.


As far as the 50mm lenses are concerned you should consider the 50mm f/1.8 as well as the 50mm f/1.4.  There is only half of a stop difference when wide open and if you can forego that half a stop you can save quite a bit.



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