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Nikon D800 Menu set up
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October 28, 2012
1:39 am
Forum Posts: 15
Member Since:
October 6, 2012
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Hi Oksana. I would like to request you to post a video of how to get sharp and quality picture by setting the D800 camera menu. I also have some problem with D800. The picture is not as sharp as the D7000. For low light conditions, need to raise high ISO to bright up the picture. When i want to shoot group picture at F5.6, shutter speed 60. I feel that it is not bright enough compared to the D7000. I have Sigma 70-200/24-70 and also i have Nikon 50mm. I use these lenses with D800 but i feel that it is still under exposure. I hope that you can help me on this above matter. Thank You.

October 28, 2012
2:57 am
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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Can you please take the same photo of same subject, under same conditions, with the same lens and same settings with both cameras. Post the photo here. Do you shoot raw or jpeg?

October 28, 2012
12:20 pm
Long Island, New York

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September 15, 2012
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Indika…. I am a little confused. Are you using the same lens on both cameras? I know that the 7000 is DX and the 800 is full frame. Also that there is a DX mode on the 800. Could it be that this might be causing the problem?


-- Mandrake --

October 29, 2012
10:20 am
Forum Posts: 15
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October 6, 2012
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Hi Oksana. I shoot raw format. I will take the sample picture from both pictures and will post the photos soon. Thank You

October 29, 2012
10:25 am
Forum Posts: 15
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October 6, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi Mandrake. I am using 70 -200 apo DG EX Sigma for both cameras . Thank You

December 18, 2012
1:54 am
Forum Posts: 554
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November 22, 2012
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Hi indika, I will like have your opinion because I want make an upgrade of camera , I see you have D7000 and D800 let aside the FX and DX issue apart, really there are much diferences between both cameras or is suggetive, I also thinking in the new D5200.
What is your opinion? can you show the same picture with different cameras?
My anticipate thank you.

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