Manhattan at night | Night Photos | Photo Forum

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Manhattan at night
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August 13, 2012
5:43 pm
Forum Posts: 21
Member Since:
July 29, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


F-stop 4.5
Exp. time 1/30
ISO 2500

August 13, 2012
5:47 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
Member Since:
August 11, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Interesting image, but you would be better off by using lower ISO and slower shatter speed with a camera on a tripod. I would assume that the reason for such a high ISO is that you had to hold the camera?

August 13, 2012
6:43 pm
Forum Posts: 131
Member Since:
July 25, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I think this photo have a lot of noise, even without zooming it, and I believe you could only shoot this at 1/30 because manhattan… well, is manhattan, a city full of light, the buildings literally send light to the atmosphere. Still, you can improve it in Lightroom by reducing some noise. Although the main technical issue that Oksana already commented, and that is easy for you to fix in the future, I shall congratulate you by the great colors on this photo. The dark blue and that golden touch in the buildings…you were in the perfect timming.

August 13, 2012
7:43 pm
Forum Posts: 21
Member Since:
July 29, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thank you Oksana & danielaportela …. good comments and suggestions… I’m going to retry it again with lower ISO. Just I hope to get another clear day!!

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