Dare to Dream.... Every drop counts. | Night Photography | Photo Forum

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Dare to Dream.... Every drop counts.
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March 7, 2017
10:42 am
Forum Posts: 812
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September 30, 2012
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This shot has taken from one of the desert in uae.dare-to-dream-water.jpg

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March 7, 2017
2:08 pm
Spartanburg, SC

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March 23, 2013
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Interesting shot… I like it…

March 7, 2017
2:43 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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I really like this photo! The use of silhouette and the story behind it. It is cool that everything is black besides the glass bottle and water. I also that you can still se details on the sand. Very well done! 

March 10, 2017
5:57 am
Long Island, New York

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A fun photo.
I’d maybe remove the sun as I think it is somewhat of a distraction.

-- Mandrake --

March 10, 2017
12:56 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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Mandrake said
A fun photo.
I’d maybe remove the sun as I think it is somewhat of a distraction.  

Mandrake might have a good point here. Eye does goes to the brightest part in the image. 

March 11, 2017
7:57 am
Forum Posts: 812
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September 30, 2012
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mscharff said
Interesting shot… I like it…  

Thanks Michael.


March 11, 2017
7:58 am
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September 30, 2012
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easyexposure said
I really like this photo! The use of silhouette and the story behind it. It is cool that everything is black besides the glass bottle and water. I also that you can still se details on the sand. Very well done!   

Thanks Oksana for the kind words.


March 11, 2017
8:21 am
Forum Posts: 812
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September 30, 2012
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Mandrake said
A fun photo.
I’d maybe remove the sun as I think it is somewhat of a distraction.  

Possible and its a valid point Mandrake. i Just kept the sun in frame with 2 reasons

1. it seems unusual, the sun and sands are very close and the model look like standing above the sun level.

2. while  doing the silhouette photography, I usually follows the below technique.

    a. do the exposure metering without sun

    b. compose the frame with sun and take the silhouette shot. this will give a dramatic silhouette.

Thanks Mandrake for the comment. while doing editing this picture, my 7 years old son has raised the same doubt which you have point out, i felt very proud on him that he could view  the picture in a photographic aspects.


March 11, 2017
8:41 am
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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Muneer said

Thanks Mandrake for the comment. while doing editing this picture, my 7 years old son has raised the same doubt which you have point out, i felt very proud on him that he could view  the picture in a photographic aspects.  

This is awesome! Do you teach him on how to use the camera yet? 

March 13, 2017
11:42 am
Forum Posts: 812
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September 30, 2012
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easyexposure said

This is awesome! Do you teach him on how to use the camera yet?   

Yes, he use point and shoot cam now and some shots are really good


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