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Color vs Black & White
April 30, 2017
6:57 pm
Forum Posts: 89
Member Since:
November 21, 2012
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I was taking some macro shots in the backyard when I say this fly on the side of a flower pot, it really wasn’t the fly itself that interested me but the shadow he was casting.  I was working on it in post and decided to try it in black & white too, I immediatelyIMG_5167-Edit-2-Edit.jpgIMG_5167-Edit.jpg thought of Alfred Hitchcock for some reason when I seen it in B&W lol. I used my Canon 60D with my Tokina AT-X 100mm f/2.8 Pro D Macro Lens

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May 1, 2017
11:58 am
Spartanburg, SC

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March 23, 2013
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I too like the B&W… I might try to photoshop some of the scratches on the pot out as it draws my eye away from the fly…

May 1, 2017
12:24 pm
Long Island, New York

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September 15, 2012
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Very ominous looking in B&W.  
I’d keep the scratches, but lose the … whatever it is… at top right.
Decisions, decisions.

-- Mandrake --

May 1, 2017
12:41 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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I prefer the color version. I like the pop of orange on the fly’s eyes agains blue/grey background. I would keep the scratches. Looks like from some horror movie with that bit shadow. 

July 17, 2021
12:03 am
Scottsdale, Arizona
Forum Posts: 34
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May 15, 2021
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Color version of image looks much better than black and white because the shadow of fly clearly see on the floor. 

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