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Editting Photos
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May 10, 2016
10:48 am
Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 259
Member Since:
September 12, 2014
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Oksana, i’d be interested in what you do with editting your photos. I find i DO have to edit each on seperately even though i know their’s an option on lightroom to Sync similar lighting and Actions in photoshop. You just can’t do it that way to get matching results.

June 17, 2016
11:58 am
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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Since my main business now is portrait photography, i do edit every photo separately in Lightroom (for color correction, brightness, contrast etc.) and Photoshoop (retouching and composites). My clients see anly 30 images from their session, which are already edited. I believe in quality not quantity. 

With events it is a bit different (which I barely photograph these days). I would not edit them as much as I would portrait session, unless there are some close up portraits and special effects. A lot of the photos just go through Lightroom (and I would use Synk for the same conditions – I don’t see why not).

I see that you blur the backgrounds in post production a lot, which I am sure is tons of work. Most event photographers just use long lenses for that – 70-200mm is very popular one. Besides the good bokeh it also compreses everything, which is great for group photos to get everyone in focus and still get a nice blurred background. The only problem might be what you might not have enough space to step back + it is an expensive lens. 

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