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Model Daria
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February 17, 2017
2:35 pm
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

VIP Student
Forum Posts: 449
Member Since:
April 5, 2013
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From one of my first model shoots.  Shot taken digitally, the converted to black and white using Nik Silver Effects Pro


February 19, 2017
5:58 am
Long Island, New York

VIP Student
Forum Posts: 2719
Member Since:
September 15, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Nice pose.  Love the phone.  Looks like one I had when younger.  
and…. her shoes are too big or her feet are too small.
I’m confused by the trunk fittings.

-- Mandrake --

February 19, 2017
10:28 am
Forum Posts: 812
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September 30, 2012
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good shot and well used properties.


February 20, 2017
3:14 pm
Forum Posts: 2164
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August 11, 2011
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Brian, I really like that you are getting creative and trying something new. I love the BW conversion, as well as use of the props. I would work a bit on posing. I feel like this pose is a bit too angular to my liking. I would make her right arm a bit softer, maybe bending it a bit in the elbow (this way making her not to pull the dress so straight), as well as showing her fingers holding the dress. Also I would not cross her legs like that, but rather having them next to each other and bending one knee and taking it other the other knee. 

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