Cute Faces From a 4 year old Bday Party! | Family and Kids Photography | Photo Forum

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Cute Faces From a 4 year old Bday Party!
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September 27, 2014
5:02 am
Davie, Florida

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August 27, 2014
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 I take lacrosse photos of the two older sisters of the little girl who had this party.  The father asked me to be the party photographer, which I’ve never done before.  Two hours before the party a ran to Best Buy, bought the FS700 flash,DSC_7373.jpg










and watch some You Tube on how to use it, where to point it…. It wasn’t too bad.  I just kept on TTL (I think that’s what it’s called, lol – the auto flash mode).  Anyway the painted faces were adorable:

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September 27, 2014
6:51 am
Long Island, New York

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Some nice portraits.  All seem to be having lots of fun.
The flash seems to be working well for you.

TTL stands for Through The Lens metering.
When the flash is fired the camera reads the reflected light through the lens with it’s metering system, as it normally would
without using a flash, and sets the camera settings accordingly.

-- Mandrake --

September 30, 2014
9:44 pm
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I think it worked out pretty good for you, Melanie! I like how fears you are to take on the challenge. It looks like a recipe for success! ;)

October 1, 2014
2:12 am
Davie, Florida

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Lol, thanks so much for the encouragement!!  I did, however run into some problems, if you would kindly give me your input on the attached  photo. And I know, that is the craziest cake!!  Anyway, the girl on the right was blurry on all 5 shots.  The below screen shot are my settings.

Would you increase shutter first or aperture? I don’t think she was moving anymore than anyone else, but my shutter is on the edge of camera shake.  If you were running around a museum, chasing after 4 year olds and then coming into a party room, would you change settings or just stick with one, since the TTL flash with take care of lighting issues?


October 10, 2014
7:10 pm
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August 11, 2011
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Flash actually should have frizzed everything at 1/60. So slower shutter speed should not be a problem while using flash. I am guessing that the blurriness might be caused by the lens at 38mm. Short lenses can create distortion, especially on the edges/corners of the flame. The solution is to try not to use wide angle and put people on the edge of the frame. So it is not always possible due to space limitation. You could also correct some distortion is post. 

October 10, 2014
8:14 pm
Davie, Florida

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Thank you kindly for your response.  In your last comment, are you saying that I can correct distortion in post processing?  I seem to be having trouble with flash.  I ended up returning that flash after the party, but just purchased a new one. The meter doesn’t need to be balance when using a flash? I would like to post some more flash issues to see where I went wrong.  It was at a pep rally, so I’m not sure where to post this issue

October 23, 2014
9:07 pm
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August 11, 2011
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Yes, Melanie. You should post some pictures. This way it’s easier to help you, because we can see what are you talking about. You can post them in this forum:…..he-basics/

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