VIP Facebook Group   NEW

Since Oksana would like to be in touch with her VIP student more closely, we started Facebook Group just for VIP members. In this group she is sharing more tips, answering questions, giving feedback on your photos. To join the group, you will have to sign up for VIP first and then you will be approved by admin.
Click here to go to VIP Facebook Group …


VIP Assignments

Fun photography ASSIGNMENTS, including description and the video on how to complete them for our VIP members. Some of them will be technical (related to the lessons) and some creative. There is no time limit on assignment, so you can do them when ever you please. It is a good idea to start from lesson 1. Oksana and other member will be giving you a feedback on your completed assignment.
Click here to go to Assignments…


VIP Assignments (Portrait Photography) – Coming Soon

Since Portrait Photography is Oksana’s speciality, we decided to create separate section for it. In this section Oksana will be sharing some Portrait Photography techniques and give you an assignment. You will be able to post them on Easy Exposure VIP Forum and get feedback from Oksana and other members.


VIP Forum

All VIP assignment should be posted in VIP FORUM, so Oksana and other VIP members can check them out and give their feedback.
Click here to go to VIP Forum…



As a VIP Student you will get access to QUIZZES based on Easy Exposure photography lessons. You can test your knowledge and learn at the same time. It is great learning tool because, if you make a mistake, you’ll get a detailed explanation why your answer was wrong. So what ever you missed during the lesson you can pick up during the quiz.
Click here to go to Quizzes…


VIP Student Contact Form

As a VIP Student, you have a priority to ask Oksana questions about photography by filling out VIP Students Contact Form.
Click here to go to VIP Student Contact Form…


Getting Started with Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Lightroom is a great tool for organizing, editing and post processing your photos. I decided to create with course for VIP Student, since it make life of every photographer so much easier and helps to take your photography to the next level. The series of my video tutorials will help you to get started in no time.
Click here to go to Getting Started with Adobe Lightroom…


Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop – Coming Soon 

Photoshoped photos surrounding us everywhere – on the billboard, magazines, advertisement. There is no escape! Everyone wants to look their best, even if it is not 100% real. There are so many cool things you can do in Photoshop and WOW your friend, family and clients. If you would like to get started with this magical program, this video course is just for you.


We hope you’ll enjoy to be a part of VIP Student Subscription and good luck in your learning process!