Please don’t forget to watch Lesson 8 about White Balance before doing the technical assignment.
Technical Assignment (White Balance):
Post this assignment to THIS FORUM, by creating a new topic.
Ask questions about this assignment HERE.
1. For this assignment we will be tasting how well your Auto White Balance perform compare to other White Balance settings in your camera as well as custom White Balance. I want you to take pictures under 5 types of light:
– Tungsten/Incandescent
– Florescent
– Daylight/Sun
– Cloudy/Overcast
– Shade
2. Take three photos of the same subject in each type of light – one on Auto White Balance, one on the While Balance setting appropriate for situation and one with custom White Balance, using grey card. You can use the same or different subjects for each type of light.
3. When setting custom White Balance, use grey card or white sheet of paper, if you don’t have a grey card (as I show in this video).
4. Post your photos to this forum, by creating a new topic. Don’t post your photo as a reply to the topic somebody else created. You can only comment on their assignment.
5. Don’t forget to post what Type of Light and White Balance Setting was used for each photo.
Good luck and I am looking forward to see your pictures. If you have any question about assignment please post here.
Creative Assignment (Hands):
Post this assignment to THIS FORUM, by creating a new topic.
Ask questions about this assignment HERE.
1. Hands can tell a lot about the person – the way how they look and what they do. This is why for this assignment you will be taking pictures of hands. They have to be obviously the main subject in your image, so pay attention how your crop and focus. Of course other subjects can also be in the photo. Try to capture the moments when hands are interacting with other subjects ( like for example “hands playing piano”).
2. You can post up to 10 images, just make sure that each of them represent different hands, instead of just being different angles of the same ones.
3. Post your photo to this forum, by creating a new topic. Don’t post your photo as a reply to the topic somebody else created. You can only comment on their assignment.
I can’t wait what you can come up with! If you have any question about assignment please post here.
These assignments don’t expire. If you are a new VIP member, you can still participate.