Please don’t forget to watch Lesson 7 about Characteristics of Light before doing the technical assignment.
Technical Assignment (Light):
Post this assignment to THIS FORUM, by creating a new topic.
Ask questions about this assignment HERE.
1. This assignment will consist out of several parts.
Part 1 (Direction of Light):
1) Choose the subject and the light source (it can be any light source like sun, lamp…). Light should be coming from the side instead of from above. Also you should be able to rotate the subject or the light source around the subject.
2) Take 3 pictures of the same subject at the same front angle with a front, side and back light. You can rotate the light around the subject or rotate the subject together with the camera, if you are not able to rotate the light (like sun for example).
Part 2 (Degree of Diffusion of Light):
1) Take one photo with hard light and one with soft light. You can use the same or different subjects.
Part 3 (Types of Light):
1) Please Choose one Type of Light from each category (Outdoor, Indore, Artificial and Mixed light) and take a photo with it.
4. You will have 9 pictures total.
5. Post your photos to this forum, by creating a new topic. Don’t post your photo as a reply to the topic somebody else created. You can only comment on their assignment.
6. Don’t forget to post what camera and lens you used and what were your settings. Don’t post what light source you used. Other students will have to guess the light source, direction of light and degree of diffusion.
Good luck and I am looking forward to see your pictures. If you have any question about assignment please post here.
Creative Assignment (Angles):
Post this assignment to THIS FORUM, by creating a new topic.
Ask questions about this assignment HERE.
1. Choose the subject which is not bigger then 6×6 feet. It can be anything life or not, but it should stay still for all your pictures without changing its position from pictures to picture.
2. Try to take pictures from as many angles as you can, but post no more then best 10 photos. Move around your subject. Use higher angle, as well as lower angle. If you can you could even shoot from above. Take some closeup shoots and some full length shoots, including some environment in them.
3. Post your photo to this forum, by creating a new topic. Don’t post your photo as a reply to the topic somebody else created. You can only comment on their assignment.
I can’t wait what you can come up with! If you have any question about assignment please post here.
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