Lesson 6 Assignments – Camera Modes


Please don’t forget to watch Lesson 6 about Camera Modes before doing the technical assignment.

Technical Assignment (DoF/Portrait):

Post this assignment to THIS FORUM, by creating a new topic.
Ask questions about this assignment HERE.

1. Use Shutter Speed Priority Mode for the following photos:

1) Take 2 photos with a camera blur where the camera is moving (up, down or sideways), but your subjects are still. Use slower shutter speeds to capture the motion.

2) Take 2 photos with a motion blur where the subjects are moving, but camera is still. Use slower shutter speeds to capture the motion.

3) Take 2 photos that freeze the motion of moving subjects. Shutter speed should be fast enough to freeze the motion.

3. Use Aperture Priority Mode for the following photos:

1) Take 2 pictures with wide aperture opening to create shallow DoF. Choose subjects for which shallow DoF will work the best.

2) Tale 2 picture with smaller aperture opening to have more of the scene in focus. Choose subject accordingly.

4. You will have 10 pictures total.

5. Post your photos to this forum, by creating a new topic. Don’t post your photo as a reply to the topic somebody else created. You can only comment on their assignment.

6. Don’t forget to post what camera and lens you used and what were your settings.

Good luck and I am looking forward to see your pictures. If you have any question about assignment please post here.


Creative Assignment (Colors):

Post this assignment to THIS FORUM, by creating a new topic.
Ask questions about this assignment HERE.

1. Lets make this assignment about shapes. Please choose one of the following shapes and take pictures the way that you have this shape in the photo it can be the shape of one subject or it can be created by combining multiple subjects.


2. Since it is creative assignment, it is ok to do any post processing to the pictures you like.

3. Post at least 3 photo to this forum, by creating a new topic. Don’t post your photo as a reply to the topic somebody else created. You can only comment on their assignment.

I can’t wait what you can come up with! If you have any question about assignment please post here.

This assignments don’t expire. If you are a new VIP member, you can still participate.
