Lesson 3 Assignments


Please don’t forget to watch Lesson 3 about ISO before doing the technical assignment.

Technical Assignment (ISO):

Post this assignment to THIS FORUM, by creating a new topic.
Ask questions about this assignment HERE.

1. You will be taking sets of pictures at different ISOs indoors or night time (with some street lights). Shoot the same scene at different ISO (use full stops): 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200…

2. Please use a tripod if you have one. If you don’t, try to find something to put your camera on to keep it steady, since we will be using slow shutter speed  for this test.

3. Use Aperture Priority Mode, where you set your Aperture and camera will adjust your Shutter Speed. Set your Aperture to what ever you want and don’t change it through the test. Just keep in mind, the smaller the aperture, the slower shutter speed will be. I would suggest to use bigger apertures.  Then just change your ISO for each frame (Make sure that your ISO is not set to auto).

4. Check your pictures for noise on your computer. See what maximum ISO is acceptable for you in terms of noise. If you intend to print your photos, you could even make test prints, so you can see how pictures, shot at higher ISOs, come out on paper.

5. I want you to post your full pictures and also cropped into 1/4, so we can see more details.

6. Post your photos to this forum, by creating a new topic. Don’t post your photo as a reply in the topic somebody else created. You can only comment on their assignment.

7. Don’t forget to post what camera and lens you used and what were your ISO settings.

Good luck and I am looking forward to see your pictures. If you have any question about assignment please post here.


Creative Assignment (Textures and Patterns)

Post this assignment to THIS FORUM, by creating a new topic.
Ask questions about this assignment HERE.

1. For your creative assignment, look for some interesting textures and patterns to include in your photo.

2. If you are totally new to photography, it is ok to use auto mode on your camera for this assignment.

3. Since it is creative assignment, it is ok to do any post processing to the pictures you like.

4. Post your photo to this forum, by creating a new topic. Don’t post your photo as a reply in the topic somebody else created. You can only comment on their assignment.

I can’t wait what you can come up with! If you have any question about assignment please post here.

P.S.: While looking for textures/patters to include as a part of the image, I would recommend you  to also take some pictures of textures/patterns itself. It is just in case you even decide to do some composited in photoshop. Collection of textures and patterns might come very handy.

This assignments don’t expire. If you are a new VIP member, you can still participate.
